Ultimate Masters Sealed @ 4YourGames (DOQ)

sat05jan11:00Ultimate Masters Sealed @ 4YourGames (DOQ)FormatSealedRules Enforcement LevelCompetitive Event Organized By4 Your Games4 Your Games, Dordrecht, Voorstraat 410, 3311CX Dordrecht

Event Details

We at 4YourGames will continue our support for the DOS by hosting DOQ (short for Dutch Open Qualifiers) each month (at least twice). At each Dutch Open Qualifier people will gather points for the Players’ Championship at the end of the year. The winner of a DOQ will receive an invite to a (constructed) Dutch Open Series event including 1 bye.

Saturday 5 January

Store opens at 10.00, start tournament 11.00 sharp!

Our store is located in the beautiful city of Dordrecht:

Address: 4YourGames, Voorstraat 410, 3311 CX, Dordrecht
Public Transport: Dordrecht, Centraal Station, it’s a 15 minute walk from the station.
Car: Parking is possible at Garage Spuihaven for € 1,50 per hour (max € 15,00 per day), it’s a 3 minute walk to the location.
Fre parking at Parkeerterrein Weeskinderendijk, it’s a 12 minute walk to the location.

Capacity: 44
Catering: We have coffee, soda, candybars & fresh sandwiches at the venue.
Rules: Competitive, pool & deck registration
Format: Ultimate Masters Sealed
Planeswalker multiplier: 1x
Seatings / pairings: We will be using printed pairings.
Judge(s): Maico Paschold
Up to 32 players: 5 rounds swiss + Top 8 Draft
Up to 46 players: 6 rounds swiss + Top 8 Draft

Entrance fee is EUR 85,00, for this edition you can either pin or pay by cash.

We will start the tournament if we have 16 players. For each 4 players we will add an Ultimate Masters Box topper in the prize support. With 16 players the prize support will be as followed (Ultimate Masters Draft is included for Top 8):

1. 2 Ultimate Masters Box Topper + Dutch Open Series Invite & 1 bye
2. 2 Ultimate Masters Box Topper

The Ultimate Masters Box toppers will be selected by the winner first.

We will need you to pre-register for this tournament by posting in this event. If you pre-register you are guaranteed a spot at the event!


5 January 2019 11:00(GMT+01:00)


4 Your Games, Dordrecht

Voorstraat 410, 3311CX Dordrecht

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4 Your Games, Dordrecht

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