Haarlem Magic Nights - Legacy Trial @ Cafe De Lange Heer

sat28may10:30Haarlem Magic Nights - Legacy Trial @ Cafe De Lange HeerFormatLegacyRules Enforcement LevelCompetitive Event Organized ByRob RoosinghCafé de Lange Heer, Haarlem, Lange Herenstraat 6, 2011 LH HaarlemSignup ended34 Guests are attending

Event Details

It’s finally happening! After a few years and a couple of lockdowns, competitive Magic is coming back to Haarlem!

Organized by Haarlem’s very own Rob “AdmiralVortex” Roosingh, with help from recently appointed judge Roald Landheer, we hope to make Cafe De Lange Heer the home for competitive Magic in Haarlem going forward! Since we have never done this before, De Lange Heer has been kind enough to give us the space to host a 36-slot tournament FOR FREE! Therefore, aside from a small judge’s fee, all entry money will go to towards the prize pool! We hope to be able to host more tournaments like this in the future, so don’t hesitate to show the cafe some love!

Aside from that, 2 quick notes:

Firstly, proxies will be allowed at this tournament. Unfortunately, Legacy is no longer reasonably affordable. To help stimulate interest in the format, we believe proxies are a great tool. That being said, we will still be playing at competitive REL, and so we ask your proxies meet certain criteria. A guide (courtesy of the Bazaar of Boxes crew, love you guys <3) can be found here: https://www.bazaarofboxes.com/bobproxyguide/

Secondly, we will be providing coverage for the tournament, including commentary! You may be featured anonymously, if you so desire, and all VODs will be uploaded and watchable a few days later at https://youtube.com/admiralvortex

To summarize:

Location: Cafe De Lange Heer (Lange Herenstraat 6, a minute’s walk from Haarlem Centraal)
Entry: €15,- (Cash, exact please. We cannot guarantee we will have change)
Time: Venue opens at 10:00, we start at 10:30
Format: Legacy (Comp REL) 5-6 rounds, with top 8 cutoff. Proxies allowed. Decklist required
Payout: Will be adjusted based on attendance, for 36 entries:
First place: €150
Second place: €90
Third-fourth: €60
Fifth-eight: €35

For any questions, feel free to e-mail me at r.roosingh@hotmail.nl

A special thanks to Roald, everyone at De Lange Heer, and Alex for making this whole thing a lot easier than it could’ve been!

Hope to see you all there!

Café de Lange Heer, Haarlem

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