TEAM UNIFIED MODERN – Guild Clash – @The Games Guild

sun03oct12:00TEAM UNIFIED MODERN – Guild Clash – @The Games GuildGC - Team Unified ModernFormatModernRules Enforcement LevelRegular Event Organized ByThe Games GuildThe Games Guild, Alphen aan den Rijn, Van Nesstraat 1A, 2404 AV Alphen a/d RijnSignup ended6 Guests are attending

Event Details

Date: Sunday, 3 Oktober 2021
Venue open: 11:00
Tournament start time12:00
Player Cap: 24
Team Cap : 8
Entry: Є7,- Per Person (
Є21,- Per Team)
Prize support: Top 2 Teams Get Prizes
REL: Regular
Organizers: Benjamin Shawki, Tsjoewa Lin (Storeowner)
Rounds: 3
Decklist: Required in paper or send by email. Please send to “Team Name, First Name, Surname, PLAYER ABC.txt”
Proxies: Allowed – Proxy Guide
Location: Concordiastraat 29, Alphen Aan Den Rijn, Netherlands
Paid Parking in front of the Games Guild Free Parking Route – Gratis Parkeren Route

Team events are events in which players compete as three-player teams, but playing individual matches. Teams are paired against other teams similar to how players face other players in individual tournaments, and in most cases, each teammate faces a corresponding player on the other team in a best-of-three-games match, with the first team to earn two match wins taking the round.

Team Unified Modern is largely the same as regular Constructed, only that cards other than basic lands may appear in only one of the three decks. For example, in Team Unified Modern, only one player may play Scalding Tarn in their deck (this includes both mainboard and sideboard.

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3 October 2021 12:00(GMT+01:00)


The Games Guild, Alphen aan den Rijn

Van Nesstraat 1A, 2404 AV Alphen a/d Rijn

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The Games Guild, Alphen aan den Rijn

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Guests List Attending 6


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