STORE CHAMPIONSHIPS @GAMEFORCE EINDHOVEN SETUP: boosterdraft (March of the Machine), followed by 3 rounds of Magic. Cut off to free boosterdraft for top 8 qualifying players START: 1000h
SETUP: boosterdraft (March of the Machine), followed by 3 rounds of Magic. Cut off to free boosterdraft for top 8 qualifying players
START: 1000h
PRIZES: Free boosterdraft for top 8 qualifying players. Wizards promocards available as prize support
FEE: € 22,50 (includes entry to the event, 3 boosters for drafting, top 8 draft (with 12 players) and € 1,50 bar-credit)
Check out our socials (FB mtgeventseindhoven; IG gameforceevents) for announcements and eventcodes, or our website for information regarding all our events
Hope to see you soon!
20 May 2023 10:00 - 18:00(GMT+01:00)
Gameforce, Eindhoven
Visserstraat 18-A, 5612BT Eindhoven